Monday, September 29, 2008


~A 1 to 2 hour session is $125.00 for up to 5 people.

~Each individual after the allowed amount is $10.00 per person.

~Every half hour after the allowed time is $20.00 per half hour.

~2 Clothing changes. Changing time is not included in session time. Too many clothing changes can result in poor lighting.

~Sessions includes at least 20-30 edited images. You will receive all edited photos on a CD, so you can make as many copies/ enlargements as you wish. This is yours to keep. If you would like a copy of all the original photos taken, this will be an extra $5.00 fee.

~~Session fees are to be paid at time of photo shoot~~


~A 1 to 2 hour session is $75.00.

~Every half hour after the allowed time is $20.00 per half hour.

~2 Clothing changes. Changing time is not included in session time. Too many clothing changes can result in poor lighting.

~Session includes at least 20-30 edited images. You will receive all edited photos on a CD, so you can make as many copies/ enlargements as you wish. This is yours to keep. If you would like a copy of all the original photos taken, this will be an extra $5.00 fee.

~A 25 mile travel allowance from my residence. For distances farther than the 25 mile allowance please e-mail for further charges.

~ Sessions are typically scheduled in the morning or late afternoon/evening in order to take advantage of the beauty of natural light

~I do not develop pictures because I want to leave this option up to you. I know most of us have our certain place where we like to get our photos developed. I can recommend a few places I like to go if needed.

~~Prices are subject to change without notice. These session fees does not apply to weddings or other major events~~

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